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Posts tagged with questions

The librarian knows.

Illustration of single colorful sock, light blue with red, blue and peach stripes

Your sock is hiding in the dryer outside of eyesight. JohnnyGunn tells a funny story about calling the library to find out the location of their missing sock in pablocake's Ask Me post about a phone hotline (instead of Google) for questions. It should come as no surprise to Mefites that in this, as in so many things, librarians are our heroes! (or, as Mournful Bagel Song puts it, "unearthly beings of pure knowledge")

by taz

There's An Expert For That

Photo by Scott McLeod via Flickr (

You have questions? Luckily Wired magazine has experts that who answer questions from the internet All of this brought to you in this post by dfm500!

Fundraising AMA Session!

Ask Mods Anything Is this chatfilter? Maybe... This is our "Ask Mods Anything" (AMA) Session! For the MetaFilter Fundraising! Head over to Metatalk for more details ...

by taz

I asked in vain!

he's a low key kidhe's a low key kid by woodleywonderworks (cc by)

I still don't know what was behind that scary glowing door. In Metatalk, The corpse in the library asks What AskMe of yours are you still curious about? What was never resolved?

by taz

The Olympics on Ask Metafilter

Looking Back

Kitchen FYI

White Lake Farms raw natural honey @ SLC Farmers Market UtahWhite Lake Farms raw natural honey @ SLC Farmers Market Utah by FOODLANDER.COM (cc by)

I just found out you can ferment all kinds of fruits and vegetables in just honey! ... but how to find real raw honey?; What are rules of thumb for adding garnishes to pickles?; What are the spices in balandėliai (Lithuanian cabbage rolls)?; Copycat recipe for Kraft Mac & Cheese powder mix?; Best Knives?, Gift (for me) Edition; What can I add to my bread recipe?

by taz

Questions you didn't even know you had...

Dorade box diagramDorade box diagram

What would happen if you jumped or fell down a big ship's air intake?

by jessamyn

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





