Twisty Passages
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Wolfdog has posted Essential tools to make the modern web more bearable, and people have even more recommendations in the thread. Bookmarked so hard. đź”–
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Wolfdog has posted Essential tools to make the modern web more bearable, and people have even more recommendations in the thread. Bookmarked so hard. đź”–
smcdow writes software that connects to crypto exchange APIs, and speaks on the nuts and bolts of "the always-amateur-hour that is the crypto world" in the Bond villain compliance strategy thread
Love that we have a member who's a traffic safety researcher commenting in the Speeding Ticket thread. TheKaijuCommuter talks about elements in the (US) built environment and issues that subconsciously trigger people to go faster.
White Lake Farms raw natural honey @ SLC Farmers Market Utah by FOODLANDER.COM (cc by)
I just found out you can ferment all kinds of fruits and vegetables in just honey! ... but how to find real raw honey?; What are rules of thumb for adding garnishes to pickles?; What are the spices in balandÄ—liai (Lithuanian cabbage rolls)?; Copycat recipe for Kraft Mac & Cheese powder mix?; Best Knives?, Gift (for me) Edition; What can I add to my bread recipe?
Hurricane Dorian Check-In Thread now in Metatalk
Chem lab III by Jano De Cesare (cc by-nc-nd)
metaquarry posts Derek Lowe's column on abandoned "easter eggs" found in labs, that asks "what’s the strangest (or most terrifying) thing you’ve come across in cleaning out an unused chemical space?"
nssl0062 by NOAA Photo Library (cc by)
My city got hit by multiple serious tornadoes last night and I realized just how unprepared I was: Aranquis asks about disaster preparedness.
FDNY - Ambulance by Mollenborg (cc by)
I've been driving ambulances and fire trucks for years now... The most important thing you can do when someone is coming up on you with lights and sirens--before anything else--is to take a deep breath and make sure you're not going to cause an accident. Don't stop dead suddenly in moving traffic. Do slow down, signal, and pull over to the right as soon as you're able.
Mefite paramedics skyl1n3 and itstheclamsname offer pro advice on the question "What do you do when you're driving and an ambulance is coming down the road?"
BIG BOAT, small boat by Kevin Dinkel (cc by-sa)
If it's staying still, and just getting bigger, you need to figure out how to not die.
Dreadnought breaks down the four perceptual tricks that can lure an unsuspecting boater to their death.
on passwords
If you use the same password for MetaFilter as you did for LinkedIn, you might want to change it. Now. ( also had a break-in and they are asking users to change their passwords as well)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.