"I'm a crypto hate maximalist"
smcdow writes software that connects to crypto exchange APIs, and speaks on the nuts and bolts of "the always-amateur-hour that is the crypto world" in the Bond villain compliance strategy thread
smcdow writes software that connects to crypto exchange APIs, and speaks on the nuts and bolts of "the always-amateur-hour that is the crypto world" in the Bond villain compliance strategy thread
Site finance update, 1/15/2020
Hey folks, here's the quarterly update on site finances.
Site finance update, 10/16/19
Here's a quarterly update on MeFi's site finances.
DSCN1753 by Perpetualtourist2000 (cc by)
In an Ask MetaFilter question about short term buying of Facebook stock around the IPO, member jeb lays out the crazy world of stock market IPOs, how they function, and why you'll probably pay more than the opening price.
The way the IPO business works is…sort of corrupt, to varying degrees. It's definitely not a good place for the individual investor. Basically what happens is this...
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.