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Posts tagged with poverty

"Lazy is a coward's term"

close-up of cleaning items: dust mop, cleaning cloth, sponge, and scrubbers

Did you know there is a Youtube Free Cleaning community? AlSweigart posted about Midwest Magic Cleaning, and specifically the channel owner's bracing reaction to the commenters who "get off on the dopamine rush of mocking people and blaming them." Very informative, and not a bad intro to the people helping folks with depression and various mental issues that result in hoarding or out of control mess. As armeowda comments "This dude gets it."

by taz

Helping you help others

Making donations to food bankMaking donations to food bank by wuestenigel (cc by)

JHarris created a post about effectively donating to a food bank. It's a great collection of tips on how to help those in need!

An embarrassment of riches?

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