Twisty Passages
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Wolfdog has posted Essential tools to make the modern web more bearable, and people have even more recommendations in the thread. Bookmarked so hard. đź”–
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Wolfdog has posted Essential tools to make the modern web more bearable, and people have even more recommendations in the thread. Bookmarked so hard. đź”–
screenshot from Blake Watson's 'HTML for People' book site
"I feel strongly that anyone should be able to make a website with HTML if they want": JHarris posted Blake Watson's great, free, web book with simple directions and <em>a ton</em> of resources for marking it up old-school. [this is good]
The internet has been an amazing invention, bringing all sorts of media to your desktop or mobile device. But as the years have gone by, perhaps it’s been a bit too much? Maybe you’d like a stripped down and more bandwidth friendly version of some sites? Say no more friend! Shepherd made a post about news sites that do that, based on their earlier AskMetafilter question. Come bask in the words!
MonkeyToes posted Tiny Awards: Celebrating the Goodness of the Homemade Web about (Mefi's own) Matt Muir's project to "celebrate interesting, small, craft-y internet projects and spaces which basically make the web a more fun place to be." This year's nominations are open until June 23!
Photo by Sergey Nikolaev on Unsplash
Interesting conversation on Kitteh's post We Need to Rewild the Internet, about the desiccating corporate "pathology of command and control" that has choked, flattened and ravaged the once-lush sprawl of online diversity.
Cat on laptop via dougwoods (
.newhire {
position: joining web development team
background: decades of front and back end development
background-padding: years of MeFi membership
previous experience: sportsfilter
pets: cats
Merrick Thread Co., The spider and the tiger (on black background), Boston Public Library via Wikimedia
“Will you walk into my parlor?” by REM Photo .. Have patience I'm off grid (cc by)
Pop-and-lock synchronized dance spiders; sonascope's beloved Pilea Cadierei, and that time the spider plant survived a Chrysler; signal on signals: the web before the web. Speaking of which, does anyone fancy a crawl across the multiverse? And in case you missed it, a loving look at barking spider plumes, plus "How convenient that a spider god was available to answer this question."
MartinWisse posts about "Photopea," a free web-based graphic software alternative to Photoshop.
Font change?
Hey, what's with the subtle change in typography on the Modern theme? Funny you should ask.
In case you missed it: MetaFilter is currently accepting applications for a part-time database and web admin!
We're looking to bring someone on as a member of our team, to help with regular backend maintenance and possible development. Work from anywhere, very flexible scheduling, and you'd be joining a team of moderators in supporting one of the longest-running web communities around. See the job listing for details, and apply or pass it on!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.