Beyond the Simon and Garfunkel herbs
BlueJae looks for help finding cool, weird, rare edible herbs for my garden, and we just want to go lie down for a while in that delightful pile of aromatic answers!
BlueJae looks for help finding cool, weird, rare edible herbs for my garden, and we just want to go lie down for a while in that delightful pile of aromatic answers!
Merrick Thread Co., The spider and the tiger (on black background), Boston Public Library via Wikimedia
garden posy by penelope waits (cc by)
Last summer I made a long-held dream of mine come true and started a free garden with herbs and tomatoes and beans and a painted rock saying "help yourself" in my front yard... RobinofFrocksley, in the Celebrate the Carers Metatalk thread.
Daffodils Mean Spring! by 3dpete (cc by-nd)
So, I was in early labor when you posted this question (Ask Metafilter is extremely good at being a distraction) and was quite frustrated not to be able to give you a list of some of my favorite gardening blogs...
Sciencegeek goes above and beyond the call of duty to answer a question about gardening blogs for a member who wants to look at happy green things.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.