Beyond the Simon and Garfunkel herbs
BlueJae looks for help finding cool, weird, rare edible herbs for my garden, and we just want to go lie down for a while in that delightful pile of aromatic answers!
BlueJae looks for help finding cool, weird, rare edible herbs for my garden, and we just want to go lie down for a while in that delightful pile of aromatic answers!
Louis Renard fish illustrations
The Go-Go's: "a kinetic effervescence, with a pulse that shimmered and spangled"; Glorious psychedelic fish illustrations, many of actual fish; Remember those brights spots on the Dwarf Planet Ceres?; All of James Sowerby’s mineralogy compendium illustrations arranged by color; DIY hologram chocolate?; Resurrecting the art of China's dragon scale bookbinding
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.