Across and Down
crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction
(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)
crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction
(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)
The Go-Go's: "a kinetic effervescence, with a pulse that shimmered and spangled"; Glorious psychedelic fish illustrations, many of actual fish; Remember those brights spots on the Dwarf Planet Ceres?; All of James Sowerby’s mineralogy compendium illustrations arranged by color; DIY hologram chocolate?; Resurrecting the art of China's dragon scale bookbinding
Peanut Sauce and pancakes, tea and sandwiches, green soup and glow honey, hamlets and mullets, pickles and cheese.
Hail Hail, what's the matter with your head, yeah
Hail Hail, what's the matter with your mind
And your sign an-a, oh-oh-oh
Hail Hail, nothin' the matter with your head
Baby find it, come on and find it
Hail with it, baby, 'cause you're fine
And you're mine, and you look so divine ...
Peter Brathwaite recreates historic Black portraiture at home; 2020: A sheltering in place Space Odyssey; hopping back in time to Chrono Trigger; posting Cats of travels past; Star Trek, The New Regeneration: integrating the outtakes; revisiting the prescient Hollow Man; back to the future with the first science fiction story, second century AD.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.