Across and Down
crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction
(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)
crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction
(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)
For aspiring cruciverbalists jcreigh fills in the blanks with info on developing, designing, writing, editing, constructing, and where to submit crosswords, plus where to find advice, communities, software, and blogs.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.