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Posts tagged with ShortStories

Short and Sweet ... or not so sweet.

Surreal futuristic artwork featuring a large floating eye at the center of a symmetrical, mirrored cityscape. The scene includes abstract architecture with spires illuminated by red lights and a glowing horizon blending into a dreamlike atmosphereimage via

Recently from lucidium, The God of Arepo, a short comic about a farmer and a god of small things, and from PussKillian, Wolfskin, a short comic about love. Meanwhile, posts this month from brainwane include short stories about people who think they can outwit or outlast their predators, a short scifi/horror story that partially takes place in an autonomous vehicle, and a couple of speculative stories in which pairs of women figure out some things about their relationships. Not short enough? Cast your eyes upon The Key to All Mythologies from Well I never, "the embodiment of imaginary books mentioned in other books." Sweet!

by taz

This intensity does not seem not-pleasant

Space shot of a beautiful orange miasma against a clouded blue background sprinkled with stars and a bright exploding supernova near the bottom of the sceneHubble Monitors Supernova In Nearby Galaxy M82 from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Mefites are expressing joy that their seeking-tendrils have encountered the short science fiction story "Hello! Hello! Hello!" by Fiona Jones ... plus general vibrating gratitude at brainwane for her sharing of awesome stories!

by taz

Across and Down

Project 365 #90: 310319 Fuzzy LogicProject 365 #90: 310319 Fuzzy Logic by comedy_nose (cc by)

crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction

(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)

by taz

Halloween Eve Even More Weird

Detail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film ViyDetail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film "Viy"

If you've finally gulped down Wobbuffet's fantastic Weird Tales from the 18th Century and are hungerrrring for morrrre, feast your eyes and immortal soul on (Translated) Weird Tales from the 19th Century and Weird Tales from the 20th Century, all with lots and lots of lovely, juicy online links for reading late into the witching hour.

by taz

Mefi is Lit

'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz by Plum leaves (cc by)

For the bookishly inclined ...

From Mefi: Sue Halpern writes In Praise of Public Libraries for The New York Review of Books | Extraordinary 500-year-old library catalogue discovered | When Zora and Langston Took a Road Trip | Lost-children stories and Australia's uneasy mythology

On Fanfare: Hugo Nominated Short Stories, and 2019 Hugo Nominee for Best Graphic Story, On a Sunbeam, (more Hugo awards discussion here)

Popular on Ask Me: Looking for mystery and crime fiction that feature an Asian protagonist or a predominantly Asian cast of characters | Looking for post-post-collapse fiction | What to read after The Goblin Emperor? | What's next after Middlemarch? | Where to start with Lois McMaster Bujold?

by taz

Story Board

Reading by the fireReading by the fire by isfullofcrap (cc by)

Wobbuffet has been crushing it with wonderful posts about excellent SF/F short stories, and the latest, Some reviews & reviewers of 2018's SF/F short fiction so far, is a link-rich feast for hungry readers ... but check it out: nearly every day in July so far has been a new treat:

Three recent SF/F short stories about memories lost and found

"We are chaos. We are the teeth of dragons, shed like seeds."

Relationships unfolding in moments of realization--two SF/F stories

Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.179

Four charming and/or dryly humorous SF/F short stories

Winner of The White Review Short Story Prize for 2018

Stay tuned!

by taz

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