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Posts tagged with comic

Short and Sweet ... or not so sweet.

Surreal futuristic artwork featuring a large floating eye at the center of a symmetrical, mirrored cityscape. The scene includes abstract architecture with spires illuminated by red lights and a glowing horizon blending into a dreamlike atmosphereimage via

Recently from lucidium, The God of Arepo, a short comic about a farmer and a god of small things, and from PussKillian, Wolfskin, a short comic about love. Meanwhile, posts this month from brainwane include short stories about people who think they can outwit or outlast their predators, a short scifi/horror story that partially takes place in an autonomous vehicle, and a couple of speculative stories in which pairs of women figure out some things about their relationships. Not short enough? Cast your eyes upon The Key to All Mythologies from Well I never, "the embodiment of imaginary books mentioned in other books." Sweet!

by taz

So Perfect

Delicious Post Pairing

Radio towerRadio tower by Łukasz Strachanowski (cc by-nc)

"William Carrà is a somewhat mysterious affiliate of Nicolas Jaar’s Other People record label who makes DJ mixes of eclectic sounds suited for late night."


Midnight Radio, A beautiful standalone comics story.

by taz

A young man stands in his bedroom


One post.
6119 words.
41336 characters.

Confused? No? You will be! Rorgy tackles (and tackles, and tackles) the question, "What is Homestuck even about?"

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





