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Posts tagged with biome

“The word for world is forest”

A colorless, deforested and bleak landscape in a heav mist. It appears to be the aftermath of a fire, with charred tree trunks and barren ground.Photo by Sergey Nikolaev on Unsplash

Interesting conversation on Kitteh's post We Need to Rewild the Internet, about the desiccating corporate "pathology of command and control" that has choked, flattened and ravaged the once-lush sprawl of online diversity.

by taz

What do we know about the stability of the ocean biome in the face of climate change?

Stirring Up a Bloom off PatagoniaStirring Up a Bloom off Patagonia by NASA Goddard Photo and Video (cc by)

Will it snowball? Arguable. There are plentiful arguments about the mode of evolution and lots of controversy. There's one school that says ecologies are robust within certain limits - past those limits and things fall apart. There are others that argue for a more dynamic view, where is set off-balance the system could rapidly change until it finds a new equilibria.

by jessamyn

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Brandon Blatcher





