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Posts tagged with driving

"a real bad job at dealing with traffic deaths"

close-up of image on yellow school crossing sign showing black silhouette figures of students walking and carrying books

Love that we have a member who's a traffic safety researcher commenting in the Speeding Ticket thread. TheKaijuCommuter talks about elements in the (US) built environment and issues that subconsciously trigger people to go faster.

by taz

In case of cabin fever ...

TOKYO StreetTOKYO Street by t.shinobu (cc by)

A walk in the city, or a drive in the country?

by taz

Transport yourself

Lada NivaLada Niva by Hugo90- (cc by)

daniel_charms tells the story of how my father bought a car when he was a farm worker in the USSR, others share memories of their own Ladas, and languagehat offers some more detail on the process in the Soviet car-buying thread.

It's so hot the railroad tracks are buckling! But not everywhere... vacapinta asks, why are railroad tracks okay in the heat in some places but not others?

oog and others remember driving the Nullarbor Plain (including the longest straight road in Australia): "I did this mind-numbing drive in March of 2005, alone. ... I thought I was prepared..."

"take a deep breath..."

FDNY - AmbulanceFDNY - Ambulance by Mollenborg (cc by)

I've been driving ambulances and fire trucks for years now... The most important thing you can do when someone is coming up on you with lights and sirens--before anything else--is to take a deep breath and make sure you're not going to cause an accident. Don't stop dead suddenly in moving traffic. Do slow down, signal, and pull over to the right as soon as you're able.

Mefite paramedics skyl1n3 and itstheclamsname offer pro advice on the question "What do you do when you're driving and an ambulance is coming down the road?"

by taz

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