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Posts tagged with AskMetafilter

I have pineapple

Pineapple? 🍍 Pineapple. music for skeletons seeks suggestions for the whole pineapple, and gets some great ideas. Grill / roast caramelization sounds delicious! [Update: Also, Pineapple.]

by taz

Next to Godliness

scene of a window with light beige curtains slightly parted, allowing soft natural light to enter. A small potted plant sits on the windowsill, adding a touch of greenery and life to the otherwise simple and serene compositionimage via

Maybe one of the best things you'll ever read about how to think about cleaning / organizing in your home or personal space: I want to end the cycle of managing my living space. Yes, the whole thread. Fantastic advice abounds — well-done, mefites!!

by taz

The Call of C:thulhu

Stylized illustration of red octopus tentacles in various shapes and poses, featuring detailed suckers and a white background

Best Windows + Lovecraft mashup actual question and answer about cloning the C drive. Tell Me No Lies seeks the truth. gregr calls on the elder Gods to answer.

by taz

Things to watch for a little comfort

I really need something to cheer myself up tonight. What can I watch?

More Mefi gifting list updates

Braeburn is looking for quirky, unique, not gendered gift guides, preferably UK based, while egeanin is seeking gifts that teach the constellations, and nouvelle-personne wants to give the gift of Beeps and Boops for two siblings, 3 and 5, who LOVE interactive educational toys that talk or play music.. ❄️✨

by taz

supporting the vulnerable

The librarian knows.

Illustration of single colorful sock, light blue with red, blue and peach stripes

Your sock is hiding in the dryer outside of eyesight. JohnnyGunn tells a funny story about calling the library to find out the location of their missing sock in pablocake's Ask Me post about a phone hotline (instead of Google) for questions. It should come as no surprise to Mefites that in this, as in so many things, librarians are our heroes! (or, as Mournful Bagel Song puts it, "unearthly beings of pure knowledge")

by taz

Love to love ya, baby

photo of a blue butterfly on white background: Dorsal view of male butterfly which was captured in Peru and is stored in Muséum de Toulouseimage from Muséum de Toulouse, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Who are MetaFilter's BlueSky favorites?

by taz

Please share your happiness!

Photo by Ruth Ellison, via Flickr (

The question is simple, yet so important: What things make you happier when you do them? Community member Eyelash is asking and thankfully, MeFites are pouring in with answers!

This is the place for that question you've been wondering about!

Illustration by Caroline, via Flickr (

Got a random chatty question? Then hop over to HelpMe, an AskMetaFilter experiment for those idle questions floating around in your head!

Was it a bomb?

A man's hands opening a smallish Amazon box outdoorsPhoto via the OP

lianove3 recently came home to a suspicious Amazon package with no label and a threatening aura. Was it a bomb? What to do? Should the movie version of this thread star Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman? Was it all worth it just for this pun? Find out in the comments!

by taz

"like an anal probe"

Close-up of weathered sign reading UNITED STATES | CANADA INTERNATIONAL BORDER LINEUS Canada border photo by Chris Connelly on Flickr

St. Peepsburg wondering about the days before crossing the US/Canada border became so painful, eh? People have answers and interesting anecdotes.

by taz

What would Martin the Warrior eat?

photo of a dense, sliced loaf of rye bread on a cutting board"suitcase food" by Krista on Flickr (cropped)

skycrashesdown would just like to enjoy a nice homemade slab of bread and is looking for recipes that will turn out a loaf "dense and packed full of fiber and different crunchy bits and with a chewy crust. Bread that would be served at a meal at Redwall."

by taz

Tagged as "Resolved"

black and white image of an old-fashioned clock face with roman numerals and ornate handsArt by Eddi van W. on Flickr

Ask Me synchronicity ... 18 years later: In 2006, ninazer0 asked for help identifying three works of English Juvenile Historical Fiction, later finding the answer to one of the mystery texts. In 2024, tangerine asked about mid-century kids' historical fiction about the Hanseatic League, and paduasoy's suggestion was not the author OP was looking for, but it did resolve the earlier mystery. Then melisande added more info for the earlier question. Delightful!

by taz

Happy belated birthday to AskMetafilter!

oh to be 20 again.....oh to be 20 again..... by Beatnik Photos (cc by)

AskMetafilter recently turned 20 and various members stopped by to give a shout out! Here's to 20 more! How should we celebrate when AskMe turns 21?!

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





