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Posts tagged with happiness

Pets don't totally replace a partner, but...

Photo by Trish Hamme, courtesy of Flickr (

Hey, you're a single woman and that's absolutely alright, according to this study that Kitteh shared. Come for the "duh," stay for the whimsical illustrations!

Please share your happiness!

Photo by Ruth Ellison, via Flickr (

The question is simple, yet so important: What things make you happier when you do them? Community member Eyelash is asking and thankfully, MeFites are pouring in with answers!

"H" is Happiness ... and Habits

Photo by user 'King....' from Flickr (

Eyelash is looking for Things that make you happier when you do them. Is there anything that reliably helps your well-being that's not on their list?

by taz

"big, small, and whimsical items"

image by JuanKamilo on Flickr, the number 24 circled in red24 (cc by)

What might be in your 24 for 24 list? dorothyisunderwood posted about Happiness journalist Gretchen Rubin's different approach to the traditional (often onerous or guilt-inducing) New Year's resolution list.

by taz

Stress Rx

Happiness in your handsHappiness in your hands by MamiGibbs (cc by-nc-nd)

Bella Donna has assembled a collection of ideas for cheering ourselves up a bit when we're feeling sad or stressed.

by taz

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