goin' where the water tastes like wine
What's inside the box? Pain. What's inside this week's Free Thread? Your happy place. Come tell us about it, if you feel so inclined.
What's inside the box? Pain. What's inside this week's Free Thread? Your happy place. Come tell us about it, if you feel so inclined.
The question is simple, yet so important: What things make you happier when you do them? Community member Eyelash is asking and thankfully, MeFites are pouring in with answers!
Happy New Year, MetaFilter
It's the new year, so, hey, happy new year everybody.
Great first post from needlegrrl, A good handwritten letter is a creative act celebrating April as (US) National Letter Writing Month.
Also see hippybear's Metatalk thread April Showers Bring May Flowers about posting "simply happy, joyous, silly, or positive posts" this month. (Also open to discussion for a May posting theme.)
In Ask Metafilter, beijingbrown asks about "poems or lines of poetry about love that is awkward, hesitant and quiet - filled with silences and mis-timings" ... while in other quests for words and sounds about feelings, thoughts and things, switcheroo seeks "songs that pick me up and make me want to live again after a long day of work," picklenickle is looking for good songs with lyrics that are hella gay, and slidell searches for children's rhymes and songs that are free of ghastly, scary, and offensive things.
[Answer: Yes, yes, we are having the fun!]
filthy light thief proposes Happy Fun September in MetaTalk. Wheee!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.