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Posts tagged with lyrics

Feeling Fine

🎶 La, la, do be doo la ba dada da mm hm ... this is a nice song! Oh wait. 😳 In Ask: "Dark lyrics, upbeat tune: Hell in a Handbasket Edition"

by taz

I'm making a playlist for a picnic ...

Marc Johns whimsical illustration of a dancing cherry or strawberry pie with lattice crust and long, stick-like legs against a white background. Text: Your fresh baked pie will cool down faster if you let it do a little dance.Illustration by Marc Johns (

spamandkimchi asks for songs with lyrics about food (especially pie!)

by taz

Burning question of the day

delightful or disorienting

diagram of lobster with funny Franglais notes on various partsChiac guide to eating an Acadian lobster from the site

Shepherd with a fabuleux sélection of divers flavors of Chiac tunes.

by taz

"Could I interest you in everything about "Inside"?"

moody silhouette photo of Bo Burnham onstage speaking into handheld mic

Gorgik: This post is a perfect homage, given the care and obsession that it took to make it. Rhaomi makes a rather spectacular post on comedian Bo Burnham and his pandemic special "Inside."

by taz

"Geez. That's a fucked up song!"

45 record playing on old fashioned record player

💔First you treat me mediocre, Then you beat me with a poker 👀 ... Was this a real song? 🎹 It was.⚰️

by taz


screen capture of Lebo M performing at the Vienna Concert HallYoutube: The Lion King - Hans Zimmer - Lebo M in the Vienna Concert Hall

Don't miss Rhaomi's really wonderful breakdown of The Lion King's original score, including translations of "the subtle Zulu/Xhosa vocals woven into the score that actually comments on the film, like a Greek chorus," and more, in metabaroque's Lion King Finale post.

by taz

Ghostwriters Needed!

Haunted Cozy HomeHaunted Cozy Home by Stitcher Scribbler (cc by-nc-nd)

Help me come up with new verses for "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Ghost"

by taz

Poems for shy people in love

ShyShy by akageorge (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Metafilter, beijingbrown asks about "poems or lines of poetry about love that is awkward, hesitant and quiet - filled with silences and mis-timings" ... while in other quests for words and sounds about feelings, thoughts and things, switcheroo seeks "songs that pick me up and make me want to live again after a long day of work," picklenickle is looking for good songs with lyrics that are hella gay, and slidell searches for children's rhymes and songs that are free of ghastly, scary, and offensive things.

by taz

long time ago when we was fab

Mikel vinylMikel vinyl by aspitos4kids (cc by-nc)

Fun question in Ask Me: You spin me right round baby right round like a what? "I need songs with specific lyrics which I can play for my daughter which represent antiquated technology that she has no real understanding of."

by taz

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