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Posts tagged with tunes

"Party Peasants in the House Tonight"

Fire dancingFire dancing by Scrap Pile (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter: "It's one or three or ten centuries ago. Somebody's ancestors gather around a fire and pretty soon, spontaneous music breaks out, a few people start dancing, everybody winds up happy and breathless. But what I need to know is, if the songs aren't from the US, Canada, the UK or Ireland, or from Western Europe, what does the music sound like? I'm making a YouTube Music playlist to write a fun cozy fantasy novel to and I need help finding instrumental music from different traditions."

Wintersweet asks about antique party tunes outside the Anglosphere / Western Europe.

by taz

delightful or disorienting

diagram of lobster with funny Franglais notes on various partsChiac guide to eating an Acadian lobster from the site

Shepherd with a fabuleux sélection of divers flavors of Chiac tunes.

by taz

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