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Posts tagged with songs

Listen to the music!

Photo by Razor512, via Flickr (

Recent music posts have had a couple of greats hits (get it?!). First, box shared an interview with Neko Case and her recent memoir. Meanwhile, in Ask MetaFilter, Serene Empress Dork put out a request for quiet and pretty songs, and the recommendations are great. Wordshore created a couple of posts about the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. Finally, Lemkin touches on The Peter Brötzmann Octet's classic album "Machine Gun", which is regarded as Europe's first jazz album.

"This is ridiculously fun"

image of music CDs and cassette tape with My Ultimate 80s Mix written on it and cassette cover with a listing of the songs handwritten on the insertPhoto by hanulsieger on Flickr

simmering octagon posted Mixtape Garden, a collaborative mixtape-making site, and mefites have been sharing their creations ... and their sweet misty mixtape memories.

by taz

Hello, have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?

Old fashioned black rotary dial phone on white surfacePhoto by Quino Al on Unsplash

Dialing in on the phone on Mefi: JanetLand posted WaPo's guide to modern phone etiquette, while in Ask Metafiler, Rash wants to know why you hold your phone like that, and niicholas is looking for songs with land-line telephone sounds

by taz

I'm making a playlist for a picnic ...

Marc Johns whimsical illustration of a dancing cherry or strawberry pie with lattice crust and long, stick-like legs against a white background. Text: Your fresh baked pie will cool down faster if you let it do a little dance.Illustration by Marc Johns (

spamandkimchi asks for songs with lyrics about food (especially pie!)

by taz

delightful or disorienting

diagram of lobster with funny Franglais notes on various partsChiac guide to eating an Acadian lobster from the site

Shepherd with a fabuleux sélection of divers flavors of Chiac tunes.

by taz

Got ya covered

spoonful of diamonds......spoonful of diamonds...... by Rolf Dietrich Brecher (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, jeszac is looking for your favorite not-widely-known versions of songs that are themselves widely known? Great answers here.

by taz

This is the hook

DivergeDiverge by Marco Nürnberger (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, What songs reference their music in the lyrics? "Can you give me examples of songs where the lyrics reference what is happening in the music?"

by taz

Chicks Dig It

chicks on the dance floorchicks on the dance floor by frankieleon (cc by)

functionequalsform needs soothing songs for fowl purposes

by taz

I am thinking of your voice and of the midnight picnic ...

Autumn leaves flowers berries branches and pineconesPhoto by Karolina Badzmierowska on Unsplash

Fantastic in-depth post by AgentRocket on Suzanne Vega and Tom's Diner 🍽, plus more assorted autumn audio on mefi:

Ad for Argo's Book of Dreams featuring Nandi Bushell 🥁; meet John Farnham, Australia's famed "Whispering Jack" 🇦🇺; the global, omnivorous sonic diet of SVBKVLT 🌎; U2 Joshua Tree tour fan edit video 📼; songwriter (and Oscar-winning actress) Mary Steenburgen 𝄢; poet, musician, activist, Moor Mother🎤; true stories from Martin Simpson in his "Rooted" album 📖; Great Chafing Moonboots, it's Friends Again!🍻; 1980 Concert by Young Marble Giants 🎵; Mercedes de Sosa and Gracias a la vida 🌞; Wendy Carlos' Switched-on Bach, 1968 🎹; Maestro: animated woodland creatures perform a gorgeous Bellini opera aria 🎼; The World According to Sound podcast 🎙; Dylan Tallchief made a drum machine in Excel 🥁; Sounding off, an appreciation of and guide to nautical noises ⚓️; Honeyland Happy Honeybee Harmonies (animation) 🐝; Sudan Archives, North African style violin + West Coast RnB, funk, soul 🎻; Indigo Girls' Swamp Ophelia 🥀; open-source Spleeter audio separation library 🎧; Lucy Dacus seasonal covers for Halloween and Christmas🎄; "Let It Go" in Klingon ❄️; recovering Native language for the indigenous community👂🏽; 1979-1983: A very abbreviated musical history ☮︎; Air Safety Video, K-pop style✈️; Kesha, Raising Hell with Big Freedia 🔥; Blade Runner Esper Edition soundtrack fan-made bootleg 👁; restored classic and lost punk films 📽; acoustic version of Ministry's "Everyday is Halloween" 🎃; and finally, an alter of sound for Day of the Dead 💀

by taz

Beautiful Music for Big Feelings

Joy of RainJoy of Rain by Bindaas Madhavi (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane is looking for captivating contemporary instrumental music that strongly captures a mood or a moment

by taz

Ja tvoi Rabotnik

Women's Work

Baba YagaBaba Yaga by Lady Orlando (cc by)

Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.

by taz

It is not down in any map

Of Monsters And Men - From Finner imageOf Monsters And Men - From Finner

In Ask MetaFilter, all the light we cannot see is looking for new / lesser known music with a travel / adventure theme ("Bonus points if the songs are European or have a European feel. They don’t have to be in English.")

by taz

Grab bag

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