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Posts tagged with mood

"Phrygian? I don't even know Ian!"

Screen capture of a title page showing the text Phrygian at the top, a background of musical notes, and in the foreground an anime character wielding a sword and an angry Pikachu

Sure, you probably know there are major and minor scales. But unless you're really into music theory you might not realize those scales come in a whole variety of flavors called "modes"... Goofy, threatening, mysterious, devastating, relaxing: Zargon X posted 8-Bit Music Theory's analysis videos that use game music to illustrate modes.

by taz

carpe diem! ... first thing tomorrow

by spinster cardigan (cc by)

I shit you not, I started reading this and thought "Eh, I'll finish it later."hwyengr. Storybored posted Why You Procrastinate.

by taz

Beautiful Music for Big Feelings

Joy of RainJoy of Rain by Bindaas Madhavi (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane is looking for captivating contemporary instrumental music that strongly captures a mood or a moment

by taz

Poems for shy people in love

ShyShy by akageorge (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Metafilter, beijingbrown asks about "poems or lines of poetry about love that is awkward, hesitant and quiet - filled with silences and mis-timings" ... while in other quests for words and sounds about feelings, thoughts and things, switcheroo seeks "songs that pick me up and make me want to live again after a long day of work," picklenickle is looking for good songs with lyrics that are hella gay, and slidell searches for children's rhymes and songs that are free of ghastly, scary, and offensive things.

by taz

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