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Posts tagged with poems

More is Moore

Black and white photo of an elderly woman wearing a dark coat and a distinctive triangular hat. Her eyes are closed, and one hand is raised with a poised gesture, conveying a serene or reflective expressionportrait of Maryanne Moore by Richard Avedon, 1958

clavdivs posts in praise of the entirely fascinating human and poet, Marianne Moore, who once wrote When you take my time, you take something I had meant to use. It is time well-used here, if this sort of thing is the sort of thing you like.

by taz

How do I love thee in the aughts and beyond?

Nothing Beats a Fountain PenNothing Beats a Fountain Pen by kartikay.sahay (cc by-nc)

In Ask Metafilter, pleasebekind asks "Can you recommend any contemporary love poems or poetry collections?" ... I would really like to read more works by women and queer poets, as well as poets of colour. I love when the ordinary life is being talked about, or when the poem doesn't make you think it's a love poem in the beginning. Interested to read how other poets write about the erotic, of the body, being a woman, being human. Or perhaps distances/geography. Or identity. Kink also okay or self-love.

by taz

Poems for shy people in love

ShyShy by akageorge (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Metafilter, beijingbrown asks about "poems or lines of poetry about love that is awkward, hesitant and quiet - filled with silences and mis-timings" ... while in other quests for words and sounds about feelings, thoughts and things, switcheroo seeks "songs that pick me up and make me want to live again after a long day of work," picklenickle is looking for good songs with lyrics that are hella gay, and slidell searches for children's rhymes and songs that are free of ghastly, scary, and offensive things.

by taz

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