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Posts tagged with painting

A Man of Parts and Learning

A historical painting depicts a Black man in 18th-century attire standing in a study or library. He is dressed in a blue coat with yellow trim, white stockings, and black shoes, and is wearing a white wig. The surroundings feature a large bookshelf filled with books, a wooden chair, a table with an open book, his hand lying upon it, a globe, and a celestial globe. A window behind him shows a landscape with a building and trees under a twilight blue sky. The floor is checkered, and a curtain with a intricate tassel hangs to the right.18th Century portrait of Francis Williams in his study

like a real life version of a spy thriller (art & science history edition) — comment by Ausamor

Kattullus has posted about the mysteries of the portrait of Francis Williams, brilliant Black Jamaican polymath and member of the Newtonian inner circle ... and the painted clues that untangled his life story. Great art sleuthing, and a fascinating tale, then and now.

by taz


A young girl in long blue dress stands sideways with grinning face directed toward the viewer while a bizarre battle of gray men on horseback wielding swords rages just behind herJY14-VACHAGAN NARAZYAN, Small Victory, 2005, 7.75in x 13.5in, oil on canvas

cupcakeninja posted about Ukrainian painter Vachagan Narazyan, whose dreamlike paintings "offer imaginings of fantastic journeys both horizontally (representing physical experiences) and vertically (representing intellectual and spiritual learning ) to take place in a space between heaven and earth."

by taz

The Art of the Steal

Pink Panther image©REX Photo credit: Everett Collection/REX Stars Wearing The Pink Panther 1993

It's like some 1970s middle class couple one day decided, "Hey honey, why don't we do some criming and heisting? Wouldn't that be fun?" — jonp72

The Art of the Steal: "They were a quiet couple that kept to themselves"; running the jewels (HT: gwint); the world's top art forgery detective; hunting the con queen of Hollywood; how to steal a shark, baby; how to steal it all.

by taz

Women's Work

Baba YagaBaba Yaga by Lady Orlando (cc by)

Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.

by taz

The Art in the Art

Magic For Artists header artMagic For Artists header

do whatever sounds cool to you shall be the whole of the law thelonius

For those who like esoteric imagery, fearfulsymmetry posted the excellent "Magic for artists" three-part series. Note thread comments from robocop is bleeding (see also & more) and egypturnash (see also, & more & more)

by taz

Good stuff, arts and whatnot edition

1960 Summer Paralympics1960 Summer Paralympics by brizzle born and bred (cc by-nd)

There has been some good stuff around lately. Hope you didn't miss the inspiring ass-kicking Paralympic athletes...

...or the "spiritual black metal blues" of Zeal and Ardor...

...or this jewelbox of an animated video from the Israeli band Jane Bordeaux....

...or this essay about literature and magic realism in contemporary China...

...or the wide-ranging playlist of music from all over Africa from the 1930s to 1960s...

...or the influential landscapes by once-neglected but newly-renowned African-American painters from Florida.

Assorted Inklings

Seb Lester calligraphySeb Lester calligraphy

Lovely ink links recently on Mefi:

Penmenship isn't dead: the vibrant art of well-crafted written forms introduces two talented young penmen

Chinese calligraphy and painting manual from 1633 now online, in full offers a view of "the earliest and the most beautiful example of multicolor printing anywhere in the world"

How the ballpoint pen killed cursive looks at the surprisingly complicated influence of the biro

I should be able to read that discusses Copperplate, a beautiful and elaborate script that in its time was considered a basic penmanship style

And in Ask Me: "What are some good resources for a southpaw to improve his handwriting that don't involve the kind of cursive I was (not) taught as a child?" and "What's the best non-bulky fountain pen you've used?"

by taz

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