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Posts tagged with pen

Good writing starts with the basics

An early Tombow HOMO drawing pencil with transparent lacquer.

In the time before computers, writing tools could be considered works of art. So come read dhruva's post about the golden age of Japanese pencils and discover how true that can be.


This image features a geometric pattern made of interlocking via, Wacław Szpakowski, A1, 1930, ink on tracing paper, 9 5/8″ x 14 3/4″

These works did not reach an audience until 1978, five years after Szpakowki’s death; today they’re still obscure and easily misunderstood ... dhruva posted the Paris Review's Rhythmical Lines about Polish artist Wacław Szpakowski's "series of labyrinthine geometrical abstractions, each one produced from a single continuous line." Such interesting work and life!

by taz

Campfire bonding games

CampfireCampfire by Jason Pratt (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, quiet coyote is looking for "good discussion-based games for 6 adults to play as a group that don't involve supplies other than pen and paper, and ideally help us learn more about each other rather than just passing the time."

Meanwhile, over in Mefi Music, the most favorited tracks of the past week have been: Workman 9 to 5; A Grand Unslam; Trapeze Act; Time (the Revelator)

by taz

Assorted Inklings

Seb Lester calligraphySeb Lester calligraphy

Lovely ink links recently on Mefi:

Penmenship isn't dead: the vibrant art of well-crafted written forms introduces two talented young penmen

Chinese calligraphy and painting manual from 1633 now online, in full offers a view of "the earliest and the most beautiful example of multicolor printing anywhere in the world"

How the ballpoint pen killed cursive looks at the surprisingly complicated influence of the biro

I should be able to read that discusses Copperplate, a beautiful and elaborate script that in its time was considered a basic penmanship style

And in Ask Me: "What are some good resources for a southpaw to improve his handwriting that don't involve the kind of cursive I was (not) taught as a child?" and "What's the best non-bulky fountain pen you've used?"

by taz

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