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Posts tagged with writing

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.

MeFi seeks a Poet Laureate to create comments that are aureate

To sing praise of worldly beans or the danger of capitalist blue jeans

Alas, I can't write poetry so just pretend that you don't know me

and come on inside this MetaTalk post

(Title of post bybsome guy named Poe)

Good writing starts with the basics

An early Tombow HOMO drawing pencil with transparent lacquer.

In the time before computers, writing tools could be considered works of art. So come read dhruva's post about the golden age of Japanese pencils and discover how true that can be.

On Essays

old, painted portrait in dark tonesPortrait of Michel de Montaigne, 1570s (cropped); unknown author

Gwint has posted the excellent, feature-rich Montaigne's Essays from, with 107 texts, including "On Cannibals," "On the Custom of Wearing Clothes," and "On Smells." What a good find!

by taz

Suffering like a heroine

image showing a woman in 18th century dress holding a lantern aloft and pulling back the bed curtain to find a shirtless man apparently stabbed to death in his sleep detail of etching, Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho, G.G. & J.Robinson of London, 1794.

"She was all but forgotten. Now the 18th-century author's republished novels reveal why she made such an extraordinary contribution to literature." Kliuless posted about author Anne Radcliffe, credited with inventing the psychological novel of suspense (plus two more women in publishing who have virtually been written out of the popular genres they helped create).

by taz

"a machine for constructing stories"

on a black background, four colorful traditional-style tarot cardsimage via

chavenet posted Longreads' Untold Fortunes: A Reading List on the Creative Uses of the Tarot

by taz

drawn that way

photo of a small glass jar of pens, pencils, and other drawing utensils, with a blurred background of a work in progressImage via

So, DMelanogaster is seeking a community of graphic memoirists for sharing and advice, both technical and companionable, and this sounds so cool ... and also a nice excuse for us to peek in at the progress on their own work, which was posted in Projects a couple of months ago.

by taz

"You do not know me..but be forewarned dear reader, I certainly know you"

Engraving by George Vertue, 1725

The perspective of an angry green parrot was used by Eliza Haywood back in 1746 to point out problematic elements of 18th century. Now, as ShooBoo’s post highlights, those writings (originally published as The Parrot) are being re-released. If you’re reminded of Lady Whistledown from Bridgerton, you’re not wrong!

Sharpened little gems

readingreading by Seniju (cc by)

Throwback Thursday to 2014: 'joseph conrad is fully awesome' posted links about short novels, aka things you could read in one sitting. Come for the books, stay for the additional recommendations in the comments!

Everyday Stories from the Ancient Past

These “forgotten papyrus” scrolls existed circa 1100 B.C. ... 1100 B.C.!! (*feeling very small*) Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History) Vienna, AustriaThese “forgotten papyrus” scrolls existed circa 1100 B.C. ... 1100 B.C.!! (*feeling very small*) Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History) Vienna, Austria by Sharon Hahn Darlin (cc by)

Love in an Orchard, as Written by the Trees. Donating Kittens to the Goddess Bastet. Parental Grief. Same-Sex Love Spells. A Runaway Child Bride. Rumple's post highlights various vignettes of ancient Middle Eastern life from the Papyrus Stories Group Blog.


close-up photo of a simple wooden mousetrap

"We probably don't go around thinking of Agatha Christie as leaving a 'residue of horror' except that is one of its pleasures, isn't it? These people live in a world even more dangerous than our own--piles of strychnine, whole truckloads of it, just lying about, waiting for you to slight the wrong person and wind up dead."

Mittens has a great comment about crime fiction, crime writing, and crime writers in the Agatha Christie thread.

by taz

MetaFilter Events: Week 2 🎫

Movie TicketsMovie Tickets (cc by-sa)

Week 2 of Metafilter Events is here! "Following Week 1, we’re back with more as we kick off a week about books, fiction and the humanities." This looks so great.

by taz

Timely Alerts:

🎁 MetaFilter Gift Swap Sign-Ups end Nov 1

✍🏼 Mochapickle's Nahhhh-NoWriMo: A zero stress, no rules writing month begins Nov 1

⭐️ Mefi Posts for "Sale" is still going! jessamyn, Rhaomi, and Eyebrows McGee are offering to write posts for contributions to the Mefi fundraising drive

by taz


Mystery WritersMystery Writers by Nanagyei (cc by)

mochapickle will be doing a zero-stress no-rules November writing month on Metafilter's IRL✍🏼

by taz

"Write like you need it to survive"

Writer's Block IWriter's Block I by Drew Coffman (cc by)

If you haven't checked it out yet, Cozybee has collected 50+ bookmarks for writers and aspiring writers, including worksheets, where to submit, advice for outlining, plotting, breaking through writer's block, worldbuilding, character development, and much more!

by taz

Unwilling suspension

screenshot of Wim Wenders' 'Until the End of the World'Wim Wenders' 'Until the End of the World' mentioned by under_petticoat_rule

what are some of the most egregious examples of sloppy screenplay work that have resulted in a TV or movie character doing something or drawing conclusions that no actual person would ever do IRL?

In Ask Metafilter, helloimjennsco asks for examples of Lousy character logic in movies and/or TV shows

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





