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Posts tagged with memoir

drawn that way

photo of a small glass jar of pens, pencils, and other drawing utensils, with a blurred background of a work in progressImage via

So, DMelanogaster is seeking a community of graphic memoirists for sharing and advice, both technical and companionable, and this sounds so cool ... and also a nice excuse for us to peek in at the progress on their own work, which was posted in Projects a couple of months ago.

by taz

Wild about Harry?

Spare Barnes & NobleSpare Barnes & Noble by Phillip Pessar (cc by)

There's an interesting ongoing discussion of "Spare" in FanFare with a 2-part extensive summary in the comments.

by taz

Women's Work

Baba YagaBaba Yaga by Lady Orlando (cc by)

Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





