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Posts tagged with theft

“I’ll Have It There Tomorrow”

Illustration by Joseph McDermott (

First, the delivery of 5,000 pairs of shoes was four days late. Then six days late. Then there were mysterious text messages with the supposed driver with promises that he would show up... eventually. And that’s how rednikki's post illustrated that cargo theft is on a huge rise in the states!

"it's a little sweary"

cartoon swearing symbols

signal posted Ludicity's peppery thoughts about AI grifting and attendant ubiquitous bluesky ML/LLM technobabble burnout, and the Mefi community is feeling it. Likewise sweary, Lucy Mangan's Guardian review of BBC's "The Stormtrooper Scandal" about just one of the grubby, greedy tales arising from the great NFT racket, posted by ec2y. Ahhh, NFTs. 'member them? (HT to fiercekitten for the post title)

by taz

They are not friends

black silhouette of a crow atop a pile of grainadapted from a crow image by Neil Smith on Flickr

A bird flew into my kitchen, pecked a hole in the bag of granola, then ate some granola. Would you eat the rest of the granola in the bag? shock muppet was birb-mugged! With additional insult! What would you do? Do they need a corvid test?

by taz

"You can't make this shit up"

FrameFrame by seyed mostafa zamani (cc by)

RichardP posted Inside the Mind-Boggling World of the Antiquities Theft Task Force

by taz

Big Ideas

Brooklyn bridgeBrooklyn bridge by (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, storybored asks, What are some real-life thefts of unusually large physical objects? Just curious as to how thieves manage to steal large things. What they stole and how they did it.

by taz

The Art of the Steal

Pink Panther image©REX Photo credit: Everett Collection/REX Stars Wearing The Pink Panther 1993

It's like some 1970s middle class couple one day decided, "Hey honey, why don't we do some criming and heisting? Wouldn't that be fun?" — jonp72

The Art of the Steal: "They were a quiet couple that kept to themselves"; running the jewels (HT: gwint); the world's top art forgery detective; hunting the con queen of Hollywood; how to steal a shark, baby; how to steal it all.

by taz

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