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Posts tagged with documentary

Fanfare This Week #6

Pixar OscarPixar Oscar by Marcin Wichary (cc by)

The Week of Living Dangerously: Your FanFare Roundup: Oscar contenders , new series and episodes and, of course, the Super Bowl.

Bonus inside this week: a massive list of all of the A24 films posted on Fanfare.

by loup

Along Came Ra

Photo of Sun Ra, dressed in a celestial-themed outfit adorned with stars and wearing an intricate metallic headpiece, sits at a keyboard surrounded by Egyptian-inspired sculptures of deities and mystical artifacts in a vibrant, otherworldly settingSun Ra, Space Is the Place (1974) via IMDB

Lempkin posted Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise, one-hour documentary shot over two years, recording the late musician's celebrated and unique fusion of music, mysticism, cosmic mystery, poetry, and mythology. (Plus smashing headgear!)

by taz

The most cost effective way to move 76 beavers

Hey, did you know about that time when the Idaho Fish and Game program relocated 76 beavers by flying them to central Idaho and then parachuting them to the ground? No? Then let community member sawdustbear tell you all about it via folk musical puppet documentary done with stop motion animation.

"it's a little sweary"

cartoon swearing symbols

signal posted Ludicity's peppery thoughts about AI grifting and attendant ubiquitous bluesky ML/LLM technobabble burnout, and the Mefi community is feeling it. Likewise sweary, Lucy Mangan's Guardian review of BBC's "The Stormtrooper Scandal" about just one of the grubby, greedy tales arising from the great NFT racket, posted by ec2y. Ahhh, NFTs. 'member them? (HT to fiercekitten for the post title)

by taz

Let's stay in and watch our favorites!

photo by “Amy Gallatin / Montclair Film”, via Flickr

It's cold in much of the world and who wants to go out when its like that? Wowenthusiast certainly doesn't and is asking for your most favoritest documentaries to watch while avoiding winter weather.

The Overcoat

Black and white montage of three images with a younger Yuri on the left and younger Francheska on the right, and a snippet from the film in the middleScreenshot showing animators Yuri Norstein and Francheska Yarbusova

"The Animators Who've Spent 40 Years on a Single Film": Rufous-headed Towhee heehee posts about the beautiful, unfinished stop-motion film that has taken the record for longest animation production of all time. (and trig links to the fantastic "Hedgehog in the Fog" by the same duo in the comments)

by taz


50s-style promo poster in black, white, aqua and red with an image of the band and a woman with a beehive hairdo. The text: STORY Of THE #1 INSTRUMENTAL ROCK AND ROLL GROUP OF ALL TIME  Stars on Guitars THE VENTURES

"If you think you aren't interested in or have no connection to this, you're probably mistaken": hippybear posted the 2020 documentary The Ventures: Stars On Guitars, the story of the most famous instrumental rock and roll band in the world.

by taz

Twice in a Lifetime

Promo photo: against a dark background, partial head and torso of David Byrne in the big suit on the left, and on the right, in red, the word Release in a box, and larger text Stop Making Sense, stacked

"a newly remastered version of my original post from 2011": kirkaracha's super juicy post on the newly remastered Stop Making Sense, 2023 now in our beautiful house.

by taz

No spoiled broth here

Screen shot of Japanese cook preparing meals in small open kitchen of small Japanese restaurant

Tiny Japanese restaurants in 4K. "... there's a whole channel of these wholesome, calming and hunger-inducing videos"

by taz

Behind the camera

Maria Frostic - Main Iceberg LagoonMaria Frostic - Main Iceberg Lagoon by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (cc by)

How fake is fake in nature documentaries? sciatrix on why scientists stage photos of their mice, and ChuraChura reveals that butterflies love pee.

What should I watch, from a huge archive of Russian films? gusottertrout recommends some movies: "One of the great pleasures of watching Soviet cinema is seeing the differences in attitude towards common film tropes."

The real work of fake tears - pseudostrabismus tells us what it takes to film a movie scene with two actors crying: "Frankly it's a wonder actors can cry at all."

Where do tv chyrons come from? Jahaza explains who decides which words appear on screen during news broadcasts.


Support films made by and about people of color!

Jaguar has compiled a great linked list in the Run Time: 8 Seconds thread.

by taz

Documentary recommendations

when.we.were.VHS-izedwhen.we.were.VHS-ized by Ludovico Sinz [Cane Rosso (busy!)] (cc by)

MeFites recommend some documentaries.

by gnfti

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