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Fanfare This Week #6

Pixar OscarPixar Oscar by Marcin Wichary (cc by)

The Week of Living Dangerously: Your FanFare Roundup: Oscar contenders , new series and episodes and, of course, the Super Bowl.

Bonus inside this week: a massive list of all of the A24 films posted on Fanfare.

by loup

Came all this way and didn't get to kill anybody

Hannibal RisingHannibal Rising

For those suffering Hannibal withdrawal, here's a reminder that the fannibals are still dissecting the last episode in FanFare, with over 1,000 comments (wherein Kitteh executes a real-life Mads and Gillian Fanfare.Metafilter photo op!), plus the brand new Cannibal Club has cooked up some ideas for those hungry for more, including a club talk post to discuss the book "Hannibal Rising" in anticipation of a movie re-watch. Dig in, my fiends.

by taz

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