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Fanfare This Week #6

Pixar OscarPixar Oscar by Marcin Wichary (cc by)

The Week of Living Dangerously: Your FanFare Roundup: Oscar contenders , new series and episodes and, of course, the Super Bowl.

Bonus inside this week: a massive list of all of the A24 films posted on Fanfare.

by loup

Friends Help Friends Find Sci-Fi

in shades of yellow, orange, and rust, two figures in silhouette seen from the back, one in trenchcoat, hat, and boots, and one in trousers and short coat, walking towards a futuristic silhouetted cityscape with an alien sky aboveCover detail from "The Mimicking of Known Successes" by Malka Older

Can you be the friend who reads all the current sci-fi and then excitedly recommends the ones the poster might like? Omnomnom is looking for character driven stories written in the past two years or so, so help a pal out?

by taz

"Amazing writers, never heard of 'em"

photo of a question mark made of booksImage via Dreamstime

In Ask Metafilter, sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"

by taz

🎉 Woo! New Mod! "Hello Everyone! Please join me welcoming our newly-hired Moderator: Brandon Blatcher!"


Please Don't Stop The Music

Music ExpandsMusic Expands by byzantiumbooks (cc by)

Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.

by taz

Happy New Year, MetaFilter
It's the new year, so, hey, happy new year everybody.

by cortex

Help Embiggen These Brains!

PipedreamerPipedreamer by new 1lluminati (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, xenization is seeking Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind for first-year college students; nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before."

by taz

It is not down in any map

Of Monsters And Men - From Finner imageOf Monsters And Men - From Finner

In Ask MetaFilter, all the light we cannot see is looking for new / lesser known music with a travel / adventure theme ("Bonus points if the songs are European or have a European feel. They don’t have to be in English.")

by taz

Talkin' 'bout our Resolutions

Happy New Year!Happy New Year! by Edd Sowden (cc by-nc-nd)

same as every year: try not to stab anyone – Poffin Boffin

Chatting about what we have resolved for 2018 in the current Metatalktail Hour thread

by taz

Wash before wear?

Laundry in SpringLaundry in Spring by h.koppdelaney (cc by-nd)

Ask Metafilter settles a debate in which the winner gets to wash a brand new comforter.

by taz

♪ We'll order now what they ordered then ♫

17th Century commonplace book17th Century commonplace book via

Before Jezebel, The Toast, and Twitter there were wise and witty women handily perpetrating "epic feminist takedowns of the ages," as illustrated in yarntheory's interesting post about Mary Collier and her 18th century poem, "The Woman's Labour"

... and before Pinterest and Evernote and Tumblr, "there was the humble commonplace book, a space for gathering and reflecting on ideas, quotations, observations, lines from poems, and other information." MonkeyToes gives us a loving magpie's roundup of this "venerable tradition of idea curation."

by taz

"Stretch your wings in September"

flying highflying high by Kalexanderson (cc by-nc-nd)

Posting to the front page of Metafilter can seem daunting, mysterious, and/or fraught with with uncertain outcomes. (Spoiler: It is easier than it might look.) If you have never or rarely posted a FPP but would like to, we’re here to help.

Posting to the Front Page: You Can Do It Too! in MetaTalk

by taz

"and that means more awesomeness"

A helping hand (color version)A helping hand (color version) by Kalexanderson (cc by-nc-nd)

I propose we spend September helping new posters successfully make the leap into the wonderful world of FPPs.

In MetaTalk, julen suggests a cool member collaboration for next month: "Let’s Encourage and Help Folks Make Their First Posts," and asks for input.

by taz

Test out our new beta site: FanFare

Old broken TVOld broken TV by schmilblick (cc by)

We are testing out a new site for discussing TV shows, called FanFare. It's just covering current seasons of Mad Men and Game of Thrones during the beta test period, but will expand afterwards. More at MetaTalk.

by mathowie

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





