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Posts tagged with clothing


photo of a wooden drop spindle with beautiful blue-green yarnDrop spindle with wool via Wikimedia

Sheep farmer here, raising pedigree Shetlands for fleece quality ... Rhedyn comments in the post on how synthetic textiles made from plastic took over the fashion industry. Wow, there is so much fascinating info in this thread! If you have an interest in fashion, textiles, environment, design, climate, farming ... take a look. Plus Nibbly Fang with more info and some great book recs at the end.

by taz

Lounging like a boss

Looking for loungewear? Over in Ask MetaFilter,  phunniemee is seeking suggestions, so if you have any or want see what’s been recommended, come on over!

You should be able to walk, run and dance in every outfit

Nya garderobenNya garderoben by Magnus D (cc by)

It's throwback Thursday! Come enjoy Metroidbaby's 2014 post about building and maintaining a wardrobe!

No seriously, let me fix that for you!

Shoe repairShoe repair by knapjack (cc by)

Bella Donna's post about France offering subsidies for clothing repairs has spawned an excellent collection of tips on clothing and shoe repair!

What Would The Emperor Wear?

DandelionDandelion by John Brighenti (cc by)

wheatlets is "looking for clothing that passes the Stupid Sexy Flanders test": any type of clothing, as long as it can barely be felt on your body. What are your favourite articles of clothing that feel as little like wearing clothing as possible?

by taz

Slow Fashion

Dancing Peasants, late 1400’s, via medieval painting of a group of men and women outside, dancing, dressed mainly in red, blue, and white simple outfits, probably for a feast / celebration

In Ask Metafilter, iamsuper asks, How unfashionable were the medieval poor? "How fast did fashion spread in, say, medieval times, or Tudor times? Would people living in remote areas perhaps be wearing clothes that were 100 years or more out of fashion? Or would fashions evolve at similar speeds to today?"

by taz

Corona couture?

Unpacked !Unpacked ! by CJS*64 (cc by-nc-nd)

yawper asks stylish womxn of mefi: what are you wearing at home during this pandemic? "If you're a generally stylish person, what do you wear at home to feel both comfy AND put together?"

by taz

"Clothing is ontologically fascinating"

SpetsSpets by Mikael Moiner (cc by)

Some great deep-dive comments from loquacious in bitteschoen's comprehensive post on the impossibility of automating the garment industry.

by taz

Books in which people shop for clothes

SORT (black)SORT (black) by AstridWestvang (cc by-nc-nd)

Here's a fun one: chaiminda asks for "scenes in books in which people go shopping or make clothes, with loving descriptions of the clothes themselves."

Bonus: Wondering how to wear a flat cap without looking like a goofus? Ask Mefi has you covered.

by taz

Wash before wear?

Laundry in SpringLaundry in Spring by h.koppdelaney (cc by-nd)

Ask Metafilter settles a debate in which the winner gets to wash a brand new comforter.

by taz

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