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Posts tagged with textiles


photo of a wooden drop spindle with beautiful blue-green yarnDrop spindle with wool via Wikimedia

Sheep farmer here, raising pedigree Shetlands for fleece quality ... Rhedyn comments in the post on how synthetic textiles made from plastic took over the fashion industry. Wow, there is so much fascinating info in this thread! If you have an interest in fashion, textiles, environment, design, climate, farming ... take a look. Plus Nibbly Fang with more info and some great book recs at the end.

by taz

You Thought You Could Throw Me Away

Photo by Thandiwe MuriuA Cycle of Joy” (2023). All images © Thandiwe Muriu Heyho created a post that showcases Kenyan photographer Thandiwe Muriu and her work with wax fabrics common in Central and West Africa.

"Fire and Quarrels"

image of Fireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad SpiritFireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad Spirit

Japanese Firemen’s Coats (19th century)

by taz

Think Again!

hexagonal cross-stitch symmetry samplerhexagonal cross-stitch symmetry sampler by Craig S. Kaplan via

Rethinking seeds, from the ground up: "no one had ever asked him to select for flavor" | Rethinking the rectangular weave cross stitch grid: Mad weave is triaxial | Rethinking procrastination: "Procrastination has nothing to do with self control" | Rethinking the "gold standard" for assessing scientific truth: Scientists rise up against statistical significance

by taz

Life at the Edges

image of The Tapestry of the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence at the Science Gallery DublinThe Tapestry of the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence at the Science Gallery Dublin

If an alien civilization picked up one of the Voyager probes a million years from now, what would they make of the information on the record? They probably wouldn’t think they way we do.

The Tapestry of the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence: MetaFilter's own moonmilk took a copy of a copy of the audio data on Voyager's Golden Record, and turned it into a 40-meter-long tapestry of human images-as-sound. (w/bonus Peter the Morkie!)

by taz

Cut on the bias

Wallpaper Blue Jeans (Closeup / Nahaufnahme)Wallpaper Blue Jeans (Closeup / Nahaufnahme) by Thragor 2 (cc by)

Was the Olympic swimming pool crooked? Wade into some musing on the physics of pool design.

Speaking of world-class swimming, mce explains all about those modern ultra-high-tech swimsuits and the new rules they brought in (suits must be made of textile!).

Speaking of textiles, here's politikitty on what happened to Levi's? -- inside blue jeans manufacturing and the tradeoffs involved in making inexpensive stretchy comfy pre-faded jeans.

Speaking of discerning durability, how do I pick good quality fabric for sewing?

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Brandon Blatcher





