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Posts tagged with environment


photo of a wooden drop spindle with beautiful blue-green yarnDrop spindle with wool via Wikimedia

Sheep farmer here, raising pedigree Shetlands for fleece quality ... Rhedyn comments in the post on how synthetic textiles made from plastic took over the fashion industry. Wow, there is so much fascinating info in this thread! If you have an interest in fashion, textiles, environment, design, climate, farming ... take a look. Plus Nibbly Fang with more info and some great book recs at the end.

by taz

Losing the Long Game

Cold Dawn, Warm WorldCold Dawn, Warm World by marktmcn (cc by)

For millennia, people of all different cultures have done things with unintended consequences that changed and sometimes ruined their environment, from over-hunting megafauna in the Americas to salination of ancient Sumerian irrigated fields to deforestation which led to disasters in 19th century northern China ... jb on the the climate crisis, with an historical view of human perception and the externalities leading to disastrous outcomes

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





