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Posts tagged with 19thCentury

Before On The Road, Before Easy Rider, Before Pee-wee's Big Adventure ...

a vintage watercolor illustration titled The Velocipede. It depicts a man in formal attire, including a hat, riding an early bicycle with large front and small rear wheels on a dirt path. In the background, a horse-drawn cart is seen being driven by another man. The artwork has a caption below that reads: The Velocipede. We can beat the fastest steed with our new velocipede.image via The Online Bicycle Museum

There was vitabellosi's first cousin 3X removed

... It’s remarkable how many woodchucks he killed. Was he eating them? vitabellosi has commented on a rather wonderful artifact — a 19th century diary belonging to their family and the stories just touched on here are pretty amazing! Posted on clavdivs' FPP, Kicking it with Napoleon, about Youtube channel "Life in the 1800s."

by taz

Tenement Town

19th century photo of large brick tenement, presumably in Edinburgh

This is great: Uncovering Edinburgh’s forgotten lives, one stair at a time. "Each entry starts with a specific Edinburgh front door and takes us step by step through 200 years or so of the individuals who've lived there."

by taz

19th Century What-ho!

booksbooks by Kurt:S (cc by)

omg, it's hidden treasure! Wobbuffet's FPPs I never posted (March edition) in the flipping free thread. (And don't miss the ones that were posted!)

by taz

"Fire and Quarrels"

image of Fireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad SpiritFireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad Spirit

Japanese Firemen’s Coats (19th century)

by taz

Loafing around on Mefi

Cakes & Bakes: BonnagCakes & Bakes: Bonnag by H is for Home (cc by-nc)

Jane the Brown has a fascinating comment on 19th century home bread making in ShooBoo's fresh, piping hot post "The Rise of Baking Powder"

by taz

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