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Posts tagged with 1800s

The Game's Afoot ...

Impressionist painting in dark tones from the point of view of a boat on the ThamesThe Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog), Claude Monet

You are a man of guile, means and influence in Victorian England and you know what orders to give to get the following done. You want to have a patient kidnapped from a hospital and secretly installed with people you trust. We're helping Omnomnom abduct(?) liberate(?) a gent from a British infirmary in the 1800s. What could go wrong?

by taz

19th Century What-ho!

booksbooks by Kurt:S (cc by)

omg, it's hidden treasure! Wobbuffet's FPPs I never posted (March edition) in the flipping free thread. (And don't miss the ones that were posted!)

by taz

Loafing around on Mefi

Cakes & Bakes: BonnagCakes & Bakes: Bonnag by H is for Home (cc by-nc)

Jane the Brown has a fascinating comment on 19th century home bread making in ShooBoo's fresh, piping hot post "The Rise of Baking Powder"

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





