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Posts tagged with anecdotes

Before On The Road, Before Easy Rider, Before Pee-wee's Big Adventure ...

a vintage watercolor illustration titled The Velocipede. It depicts a man in formal attire, including a hat, riding an early bicycle with large front and small rear wheels on a dirt path. In the background, a horse-drawn cart is seen being driven by another man. The artwork has a caption below that reads: The Velocipede. We can beat the fastest steed with our new velocipede.image via The Online Bicycle Museum

There was vitabellosi's first cousin 3X removed

... It’s remarkable how many woodchucks he killed. Was he eating them? vitabellosi has commented on a rather wonderful artifact — a 19th century diary belonging to their family and the stories just touched on here are pretty amazing! Posted on clavdivs' FPP, Kicking it with Napoleon, about Youtube channel "Life in the 1800s."

by taz

"the world needs more writers"

color illustration in vintage style showing a hand in foreground, palm open, holding a fountain pen, and further back, three books - City of Glass, Ghosts, and The Locked Room, each with illustrated covers repeating visual motifs from the overall image of fountain pen, blood splashes, menacing eye, and lurking strangerDetail from a cover of Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy

In the Paul Auster obit thread, Kattullus commented with a lovely personal remembrance of the author, and the enduring resonance Auster has had in his life.

by taz

Bite-size Drama Buffet

image of a bag of chips with Drama Bites and TASTY written on the front

In Ask Metafilter, sir jective says, "I love second-hand drama of reading about terrible people or amazing situations or weird things or basically just good stories ... Essentially, I'm looking for the reading equivalent of junk food in unlimited bite-size quantities, like the written version of shelves of mini packs of Doritos."

by taz

No way, seriously?

What's the most implausible but true story about you?

Squirrels and their nuts

Little People 1Little People 1 by bdebaca (cc by)

"I am really good at sexing small mammals." and many other job-related superpowers that MeFites have obtained.

by jessamyn

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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