Eye on the Prize
image via pixabay.com
Answerers are offering some very interesting ideas about different ways to think about accomplishing personal objectives in aeighty's Ask Me thread about creating a plan for achieving goals.
image via pixabay.com
Answerers are offering some very interesting ideas about different ways to think about accomplishing personal objectives in aeighty's Ask Me thread about creating a plan for achieving goals.
The Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog), Claude Monet
You are a man of guile, means and influence in Victorian England and you know what orders to give to get the following done. You want to have a patient kidnapped from a hospital and secretly installed with people you trust. We're helping Omnomnom abduct(?) liberate(?) a gent from a British infirmary in the 1800s. What could go wrong?
How To Build A Business Plan 22 November 2022 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST Presented by Amina Omari
Introduction to AI "Text-to-Image" Artwork 22 November 2022 | 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST Presented by Jeremy Osborn
renovations by in pastel (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter: DIY home reno project got you a li'l confused? dg takes a deep dive on the proper steps, in the proper order, with the proper prep to successfully un-yuck your habitat.
First steps in some MetaFilter changes: working on reworking the admin structure.
Mini Me by Jonathan Gill (cc by-nc)
Money expert jdroth has a great answer to the question "How the heck do you afford a down payment for a house?"
Want to play? by Mi Mitrika (cc by-nc-nd)
What do you have for dinner that you make yourself in a relatively short amount of time and/or with relatively little effort? Help us figure out a variety of dinners to put on a meal-planning list!
Mrs. Pterodactyl is looking for a master list of recipes for convenient weeknight dinners (seafood and finny friends need not apply!)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.