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Posts tagged with budget

feed the piggy

"You are the only one who has your best interests at heart"

Mini MeMini Me by Jonathan Gill (cc by-nc)

Money expert jdroth has a great answer to the question "How the heck do you afford a down payment for a house?"

by taz

Posts for yer Piehole

EatEat by Thomas Hawk (cc by-nc)

Recently served on Mefi:

Making 4,000-year-old stew | Wiki-Food and (mostly) Women | Let's Cook History vids | Epicurious asked 50 people to do some basic kitchen prep work and filmed the mayhem | Thinking about Chicken tenders | Donug‽ | The popular Budget Bytes recipe collection / blog | Bowl food | A Taste of South Sudan | The Weird and Wavy History of Wine Coolers | Feelings about cottage cheese

by taz

Spa Me!

Sole SearchingSole Searching by ladyb (cc by-nd)

Great suggestions from barchan in response to "Help a girl on a budget have a spa day in the privacy of her own home," including links to DIY pampering concoctions.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





