Rockets, a lunar light switch, water, explosions, and strange noises
Venus' lower clouds, via
doctornemo posted a great roundup of true adventures in space, July-August 2024.
Venus' lower clouds, via
doctornemo posted a great roundup of true adventures in space, July-August 2024.
image via
A$k the Mod$; Mefi Pet$; Early Acce$$: it's our August Fundraiser!
Yale Art Gallery - Heart by m01229 (cc by)
Weird Science theme week has ended (see all the excellent weird science posts here!), and for the second theme of our August fundraising month, Sweet Art week has begun! Please help us make a spectacle of ourselves by posting all your favorite arty sites, works, and stories. 💖
📈🚀🔬👩🏽🔬👀⁉️ We're having theme weeks as part of our fundraising month, and the theme for this week is WEIRD SCIENCE! Also currently in Metatalk, Show Us Your View!
Acting suprised by (cc by)
If only I had a penguin... has introduced Post Your Animal Month in Metatalk: "If you have an animal in your username, post (directly, tangentially, barely-relatedly) about your animal over the next month." The animals have already begun to reproduce! (use tag "postyouranimal")
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.