Tick Talk Time
Deer Tick! by www.FrankBonilla.art (cc by-nc-nd)
Blasdelb offers a fantastic explainer in Too-Ticky's thread on "weaponized ticks."
Deer Tick! by www.FrankBonilla.art (cc by-nc-nd)
Blasdelb offers a fantastic explainer in Too-Ticky's thread on "weaponized ticks."
Acting suprised by www.ownwayphotography.com (cc by)
If only I had a penguin... has introduced Post Your Animal Month in Metatalk: "If you have an animal in your username, post (directly, tangentially, barely-relatedly) about your animal over the next month." The animals have already begun to reproduce! (use tag "postyouranimal")
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.