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Posts tagged with stew

Smells like soup spirit

Photo by April Spreeman, via Flickr (

Who doesn't like soup? But one of the best things about making soup is how it can make your home smell so good. With that in mind, Charity Garfein is seeking soup (and stew) recipes that will give off the rich aroma of a warm and cozy home. What do you suggest?! What one are you going to make?!

In the Kitchen

Posts for yer Piehole

EatEat by Thomas Hawk (cc by-nc)

Recently served on Mefi:

Making 4,000-year-old stew | Wiki-Food and (mostly) Women | Let's Cook History vids | Epicurious asked 50 people to do some basic kitchen prep work and filmed the mayhem | Thinking about Chicken tenders | Donug‽ | The popular Budget Bytes recipe collection / blog | Bowl food | A Taste of South Sudan | The Weird and Wavy History of Wine Coolers | Feelings about cottage cheese

by taz

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