Strange Gastronomy
Vintage human stomach diagram
"People tend to be horrified or intrigued": Eyelash is looking for weird food combos that people enjoy, and Mefites do not disappoint.
Vintage human stomach diagram
"People tend to be horrified or intrigued": Eyelash is looking for weird food combos that people enjoy, and Mefites do not disappoint.
What unholy merger of cuisines hath she wrought? scblackman brings us a gift from the interwebs: schnitzel latkes. But what should we call them?
"Easy and quick stuff is what usually works for building habits into my life. What things are you doing to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet?"
Hotpoint All Pink Kitchen, 1961 by JoeInSouthernCA (cc by-nd)
I'll put it bluntly: modern cooking is a social dick-measuring contest: Kadin2048 has an intriguing comment about the "fixation on cooking at home as a moral good" in theora55's post on Ultraprocessed Foods.
Recently served on Mefi:
Making 4,000-year-old stew | Wiki-Food and (mostly) Women | Let's Cook History vids | Epicurious asked 50 people to do some basic kitchen prep work and filmed the mayhem | Thinking about Chicken tenders | Donug‽ | The popular Budget Bytes recipe collection / blog | Bowl food | A Taste of South Sudan | The Weird and Wavy History of Wine Coolers | Feelings about cottage cheese
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