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Posts tagged with hobby

Hobbies for the Lazy?

image of a paintbox tray of various vibrant colors and an artist's paintbrush

Eyelash is looking for low-key hobbies that don't involve screens.

by taz

A specialist occupation?

Hotpoint  All Pink Kitchen, 1961Hotpoint All Pink Kitchen, 1961 by JoeInSouthernCA (cc by-nd)

I'll put it bluntly: modern cooking is a social dick-measuring contest: Kadin2048 has an intriguing comment about the "fixation on cooking at home as a moral good" in theora55's post on Ultraprocessed Foods.

by taz

Hobby Hobnobbing

fly with mefly with me by maxelman (cc by-nc-nd)

In search of the fine art of the pastime, recently in AskMe:

holmesian wants to know: What is the critical book for your hobby/passion?

dearleader asks, What New Tricks Should This Old Dog Learn?

widdershins is organizing a Skill of the Month project for the fam

by taz

more than a little bit creepy

SpiesSpies by ocularinvasion (cc by-nc)

Yes, it's a game, but the spy/counterspy stuff crosses so far into the real life of the players that you can't say it's just a game.

ryanrs on "what recreational espionage looks like in EVE" (and why EVE has rich espionage gameplay and other games don't) in a question about hobbyist espionage groups.

by taz

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