Easy Does It
"Easy and quick stuff is what usually works for building habits into my life. What things are you doing to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet?"
"Easy and quick stuff is what usually works for building habits into my life. What things are you doing to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet?"
Photo by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr
A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. 💪🏽
uBiome - Microbiome Sequencing Gut Bacteria Sample Kit by Tony Webster (cc by)
In an interesting thread about "rethinking healthy eating in light of the gut microbiome," ASF Tod und Schwerkraft shares some enlightening commentary on why the results of microbiome research is always much more complicated and less definitive than science reporting makes it sound.
Hotpoint All Pink Kitchen, 1961 by JoeInSouthernCA (cc by-nd)
I'll put it bluntly: modern cooking is a social dick-measuring contest: Kadin2048 has an intriguing comment about the "fixation on cooking at home as a moral good" in theora55's post on Ultraprocessed Foods.
Caution: School Lunch by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com (cc by)
Some interesting insights from elsietheheel and Eyebrows McGee, among others, in the Cafeteria Wars school lunch thread. Also, isn't there a better term besides "lunch ladies"? Why, Yes, yes there is.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.