40+ fitness: How, What, Why
Photo by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr
A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. 💪🏽
Photo by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr
A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. 💪🏽
Weight Lifter by Rennett Stowe (cc by)
Do you sigh, grunt, or otherwise vocalize when getting up from seated positions ... Is it the mini, everyday version of the grunt that competitive weightlifters make?
Time Flies by h.koppdelaney (cc by-nd)
On MeFi, midmarch snowman clocks some multi-link first-post goodness with Finally a horology post for people who like shiny things, while in the Green, mzurer asks, In 1527 how did English households tell time?
Also linked recently on the Blue:
Built For Eternity, on structures designed to potentially outlast human civilization
400 Years, a browser game that uses time as a gameplay mechanic
Why Time Flies, a visualization of why time seems to pass more quickly as one gets older
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.