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Posts tagged with health

You have a right to your claim file

Notes about healthcare in the United States

For Americans, mephron highlighted some sadly good advice about fighting back on healthcare denials in the States. Shame it's come to that, but this advice could be incredibly helpful.

Peri-menopause and menopause questions on AskMetaFilter

Peri-menopause and menopause are still woefully understood phases of a woman’s life. Here’s a couple of recent Ask MetaFilter questions that delve into various aspects of these natural biological processes:

1. If hormones mess with you, what was peri/menopause like?

2. Menopause woes

In addition, here's the menopause tag for AskMetaFilter, and don't forget to see the Related Tags sidebar!

Easy Does It

A colorful still life photo of a variety of fruits and vegetables arranged on a wooden tabletop

"Easy and quick stuff is what usually works for building habits into my life. What things are you doing to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet?"

by taz

Community wisdom about sleep

Photo of a sleeping man and dog, on a couachPhoto by Andrew Roberts, via Flickr ( You just want to fall asleep, we get it🛌🥱 But it doesn’t always come easy and you’ve tried a few different things already. So, check out this post by brainwane, which highlights a few notes on how to sleep. Then stick around in the comments as members chime in on what’s worked for them😴💤

Don't Worry, Be Prep-y

Colonoscopy date marked on the calendarimage by Marco Verch on Flickr

For anyone who faces taking this often life-saving but somewhat daunting physical exam, brainwane's excellent Colonoscopy strategies post and its great thread of comments from Mefi members is the perfect Rx for your anxiety. We've been there and done that, and can tell you all about it!

by taz

The design and manufacture of everyday things

There's a few thoughts on the beauty of everyday things in this post by johnxlibris. The main point or question can be summed up as this: Is there an inherent beauty to mass manufacturing or do handcrafted items have more value?

40+ fitness: How, What, Why

Silhouette image of two people with a dog jogging in the early eveningPhoto by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr

A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. 💪🏽

by taz

They've heard it all

Ok, you're in therapy or thinking of going to therapy, but worried that no one else has had these thoughts/feelings/experiences etc. "Nah," says multiple therapists in a post created by BellaDonna. Click to read the most common thing clients have been afraid to tell therapists that they really hear all the time.

"cozy, not rigid"

close-up of a pair of feet in gray socks propped up on a coffee table or deskphoto by Shimelle Laine on Flickr

"Sitting up straight makes me feel like I'm in the army": In Ask Metafilter, wheatlets asks about how to lounge ergonomically.

by taz

Bone up on these cold and flu remedies!

Mmmmm PhoMmmmm Pho by cogdogblog (cc by)

Cold and flu season is starting in the northern hemisphere, so here's how to handle it: A post chock full of culinary remedies was created by 'drewbage1847'! Check it out to learn more and/or come add your own recipes and tips!

Home exercises for your health

Senior business woman doing stretch exercise at home closeup.Senior business woman doing stretch exercise at home closeup. by shixart1985 (cc by)

Having a few aches and pains? No problem, brainwane crafted a post about HEP2go (Home Exercise Program), which helps people with clear instructions and examples for various exercises.

Something to think about

Oil Refinery Reference #133Oil Refinery Reference #133 by claralieu (cc by)

cotton dress sock asks "How close to an oil refinery is too close?," and flug has answers. Lots of answers.

by taz


spamandkimchi posted Equip Me OT [Occupational Therapist] Lindsay DeLong, featuring "tips galore on using medical equipment at home, diy hacks & modifications, and recommended items for people with mobility & accessibility needs." Very excellent.

by taz

Drowning not Waving

Health InsuranceHealth Insurance by (cc by)

US healthcare: terminology, appealing denial, and Medicaid eligibility — brainwane has assembled a great current resource on Medicaid ... including info on a pending / upcoming requirement for paperwork you may want to prepare for if you are among the affected.

by taz

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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