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You have a right to your claim file

"This is bowling. There are rules."

All Hail <i>The Big Lebowski</i>All Hail The Big Lebowski by cote (cc by)

I was a varsity bowling player in high school. *plays Springsteen's Glory Days* Practice and science can fix this... My coach told me to pick an arrow on the lane to aim for and to never change that spot. For me, that is still the center arrow. Before you do your run/hop/skip down the lane, note where you're standing. See the boards and dots on the ground? Those board and dots are the same in every alley. Remember where your feet are...

Kimberussell and other alley-savvy members roll out to help a fellow Mefite out of the gutter: "Over the weekend, my wife and I went bowing with her parents, and they destroyed us." Please help me trouble-shoot my bowling game.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





