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Posts tagged with crafts

Getting it done

[COMMUNITY] In the IRL subsite, paduasoy has posted Getting stuff done in February 2025 as a space to "support ourselves and each other in getting things done, whatever that means to you. Decluttering, organising, cleaning, admin, making progress on projects," including arts and crafts goals. Nice!

by taz


In Metatalk, people are talking about A Metafilter Discord — Metacraft.

by taz

It's the little things

Dr. StaplerDr. Stapler by rkelland (cc by-sa)

KathrynT asks, "What should I do with all these googly eyes?"

Hobby Hobnobbing

fly with mefly with me by maxelman (cc by-nc-nd)

In search of the fine art of the pastime, recently in AskMe:

holmesian wants to know: What is the critical book for your hobby/passion?

dearleader asks, What New Tricks Should This Old Dog Learn?

widdershins is organizing a Skill of the Month project for the fam

by taz

Medieval Martha Stewart?

medieval beekeepermedieval beekeeper by hans s (cc by-nd)

Another thing to consider is how dark homes were in the Medieval period. There was not a lot of window glass. Homes were often very smokey and the various sources of light were inadequate. Clutter seems to have become prevalent during the late Georgian/early Victorian era as the lighting improved and manufacturing made extraneous possessions affordable. Until then you did a lot of groping around in the dark. Kitchens were often not part of the main house, as were workshops, weaving galleries and cloisters, places where work could be done outside where there was sufficient light to do it. This probably discouraged them from having a whole lot of stuff on display inside.

Jane the Brown offers a great overview of possibilities, conditions and practicalities surrounding xarnop's question, "Are there any surviving evidence of household decorations from medieval times in Europe?"

by taz

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