Lounging like a boss
Looking for loungewear? Over in Ask MetaFilter, phunniemee is seeking suggestions, so if you have any or want see what’s been recommended, come on over!
Looking for loungewear? Over in Ask MetaFilter, phunniemee is seeking suggestions, so if you have any or want see what’s been recommended, come on over!
Barcode by Conor Lawless (cc by)
So I once met the person who invented barcodes, a woman engineer working for IBM in the mid-60s ... She is, of course, not named on the patent: basalganglia talks the origins of the barcode in jessamyn's great fundraising member-sponsored post on supermarkets. All member-sponsored posts here.
Towels at my Other Gym by Colin Davis Studio (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, things you routinely have multiple types of but you should just get identical versions?
Interesting value for money by James Cridland (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter wenestvedt wants to know, What have you paid a lifetime/one-time fee for that was worth it?
If you're looking for coronavirus face-masks made by Mefites, or if you're a seller, here's a Metatalk collecting shop links for covid supplies!
Mattress photo by Ty Carlson on Unsplash
"Mattress retailer here ..." In Ask Me, xedrik offers the lowdown on the knotty problem of mattress pricing, and what's worth more, inside.
SORT (black) by AstridWestvang (cc by-nc-nd)
Here's a fun one: chaiminda asks for "scenes in books in which people go shopping or make clothes, with loving descriptions of the clothes themselves."
Bonus: Wondering how to wear a flat cap without looking like a goofus? Ask Mefi has you covered.
Favorites 20 by Katrina Parks (cc by-nc)
Mefite donpardo is looking for the best gift guides: Share your gift guide gold in Ask Metafilter.
At the Cobbler's Shoppe by AJ Photographic Art (cc by)
Shop local! Come on over to the Mefi Mall to check out your fellow Mefites' wares -- or list your own store, if you've got stuff for sale. Or drop by the Metatalk thread.
Want to play? by Mi Mitrika (cc by-nc-nd)
What do you have for dinner that you make yourself in a relatively short amount of time and/or with relatively little effort? Help us figure out a variety of dinners to put on a meal-planning list!
Mrs. Pterodactyl is looking for a master list of recipes for convenient weeknight dinners (seafood and finny friends need not apply!)
Doing some holiday shopping? You can support MetaFilter while you do it in a couple of ways:
1. Buy stuff made by members of the MetaFilter community, at the MeFi Mall. Crafty MeFites have got a bunch of neat stuff available!
2. Getting stuff from Amazon? Visit via our referrer link to let MetaFilter get a little bit of credit for the shopping you were going to do anyway.
For more details, you can check out this MetaTalk thread.
It's that time of year, so I thought I'd help everyone's holiday shopping out by compiling a list of gift-related resources from MetaFilter.
Helping finding specific gifts is a popular request at Ask MetaFilter and here is a recent list:
If you're into giving books as gifts, the wiki also has one of the most exhaustive categorized lists of previous questions about books. Take a gander, pick a subject, and check out all the amazing old threads about the best books in any category.
Lastly, the fine folks of Ask MetaFilter also have compiled a list of all the best gift guides found online. And as always, we set aside a "mall" of all the MetaFilter members selling gifts online, sorted by category.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.