Sleeper Cell
Mattress photo by Ty Carlson on Unsplash
"Mattress retailer here ..." In Ask Me, xedrik offers the lowdown on the knotty problem of mattress pricing, and what's worth more, inside.
Mattress photo by Ty Carlson on Unsplash
"Mattress retailer here ..." In Ask Me, xedrik offers the lowdown on the knotty problem of mattress pricing, and what's worth more, inside.
found floral by spDuchamp (cc by)
In 2012 or 2013, I stumbled across the Wikipedia page for Bed Sizes and discovered that the UK had two sizes larger than America's King or California King: The Emperor (7'x7') and The Caesar (8'x7')...
At this point, I decided the only thing that made sense was to build my own mattress from scratch.
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