Creative and destructive, spiritual and material
Aztec Imaginary God of Death
"Using these codices, I tried to identify them all, like a Pokemon chaser..." dhruva posted A Visual Guide to the Aztec Pantheon
Aztec Imaginary God of Death
"Using these codices, I tried to identify them all, like a Pokemon chaser..." dhruva posted A Visual Guide to the Aztec Pantheon
Favorites 20 by Katrina Parks (cc by-nc)
Mefite donpardo is looking for the best gift guides: Share your gift guide gold in Ask Metafilter.
Île-d'Arz - logo Wikipedia by Mypouss (cc by)
Did you know Wikipedia has a "nearby" function? The best link on wikipedia.
Roscoe Considers Recording a Podcast by zoomar (cc by-nc)
Today on Mefi, a post from zarq about, a "friendly guide to great podcasts," while elsewhere around the site:
podcast discussions on FanFare
The latest Mefi podcast (with special guest Eyebrows McGee!)
And recently on Ask Me, Entertain my ears, smartly!; English-language podcasts from other parts of the globe?; Cozy (but dark) relationships / life advice podcasts?; Podcasts Please; Art history podcast suggestions?; good podcasts about extremely ancient history?; good podcasts about niche / specific interests hosted by funny people?; Ongoing fictional podcasts?; Star Wars podcasts?; Podcasts on addiction and substance abuse?
We're working on some neat ideas for a project around these materials -- not quite ready for me to link to, but if anyone wants access to the OCR data of the page images, or anything like that, just let me know!
Cool! NYPL Labs' Josh Hadro (who also happens to be Mefi's own Hadroed) shows up in the thread for MonkeyToes' great post about the now digitized "Green Book" travel guide that provided black motorists with peace of mind while they drove through a country where racial segregation was the norm.
end result example of Ryvar's Skyrim modding
I guess it's time I finally write a serious comment about Skyrim modding. Here goes...
Ryvar completes his quest with an amazing comment on what you need to mod your world, like a boss dragonslayer.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.